Meet the Pilgrims   
The Reverend A. D. Mattson
While a post-graduate student at Yale, the Reverend A. D. Mattson, S.T.D., became interested in the scientific study of the paranormal that was being conducted there.
It became a lifelong interest, and even led, after his death on earth, to his ability to deliver the messages in this book.
Dr. Mattson taught for thirty-six years at the Augustana Theological Seminary (now the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago) and was Chairman of the Department of Christian Ethics.
A.D. was always at the forefront in the struggle for civil rights, workers' rights, and social justice. Wherever greed, politics, and power threatened human well-being, A.D. would point to the Scriptures and voice God's condemnation.
In his eulogy, the Reverend Allen C. Nelson spoke for all who knew A.D. when he said, "A.D. didn't preach the Gospel--he was the Gospel!"
Margaret Flavell
A born clairvoyant, Margaret Flavell is a graduate of the London School of Paranormal Psychology and Sanctuary of Healing.
During World War II, she was commissioned by Lord Hugh Dowding, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, to use her unique abilities to trace missing RAF pilots.
A Methodist by background, she is a deeply religious person. She has been a frequent leader at spiritual retreats both in the United Kingdom and the United States.
There and in her own community, she helps others to deepen their faith and to become more God-centered.
The Reverend Canon Berton S. Levering, Rector Emeritus of All Saints Episcopal Church in Detroit, considered Margaret "a brilliant translator of thought communication from the world of the departed.
One feels her integrity of mind and deep sense of responsibility as she makes known the continuity of life."
Ruth Mattson Taylor
As the daughter of Lutheran theologian A.D. Mattson, Ruth Mattson Taylor was nurtured in the Christian faith, yet taught to respect and learn from other religions and cultures too.
A spectro-chemist, she earned her A.B. degree at Augustana College, and her Master of Science degree at Northwestern University.
She lives in Maine, where she is active in both community and church projects.
She is an academic member of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, and a member of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship, the Spiritual Advisory Council, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and the Association of Research and Enlightenment.