Wishful Weddings : Excerpt Two

The Barbie and Ken Doll Collection

Barbie Doll And Ken Doll

Barbara Ellen Doll, a daughter of Raggedy Andy and Raggedy Ann Doll of the R. H. Macy toy department in New York City, was married yesterday to her distant cousin, Kenneth Spencer Doll, a son of G.I. Joe and G.I. Josephine Doll of the Toys R Us store in the White Mountain Shopping Center in Fordham, New Hampshire. The Rev. J. Peter Penguin performed the ceremony at the Church of St. Germayne, the guardian of children, in Staten Island. The Rev. Penguin, a family friend of both sets of parents, was so exhausted by his long swim from his official parish in Antarctica that he had to be restuffed completely at the As Good As New Doll Hospital in Brooklyn.

Mrs. Doll graduated cum laude from the La Reine de Beauté School of Modeling in Manhattan and is currently the most popular model with the Jessica Windsor Agency. Thanks to her exquisite appearance in a variety of hairstyles and wardrobes, she has appeared on the cover and also on the pages of such important magazines as Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Elle and the annual swimwear edition of Sports Illustrated. Endowed with anatomical correctness, she has sought to share her blessings with women of all ages, and her exercise videos, endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, now outsell those of Cher and Jane Fonda combined.

Mr. Doll attended Toyland University on an athletic scholarship until he badly twisted an arm during the fourth quarter of a football game against The Plaything Institute of Technology. While he was recuperating at Massachusetts General Doll Hospital in Boston, a fellow patient who happened to be a fashion photographer was much impressed by his appearance in a striped orange bathrobe and a pair of blue silk pajamas with yellow hearts. His picture of Mr. Doll appeared on the cover of a J. C. Penney catalogue, and Mr. Doll has been the world's preeminent male model ever since.

Aware that their wedding would be the most important event in their life, Mr. and Mrs. Doll ordered not only a wedding gown and formal evening attire for the church ceremony and reception, but also a complete outfit for the trip from their homes to the church, and another complete outfit from the reception to Newark Airport, where they would be departing for their ten-day honeymoon in Hawaii. Employing six trunks and twenty-two suitcases, all color-coordinated, they have already forwarded the three hundred garments of their fun-in-the-sun ensembles to the Hawaii Hilton. In order to accommodate their clothes as well as themselves, they had to book the Pineapple Suite and also rent three portable wardrobes from BarbieHannahMontanaDollhouses.com.

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